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中国农业大学资环学院新网站 教授(正高) 刘学军
来自 : zihuan.cau.edu.cn/art/2016/11/ 发布时间:2021-03-26


1987.09-1991.07 湖南农业大学 农学系土壤植物营养专业 本科生 获学士学位

1991.09-1994.07 湖南农业大学 农学系土壤学专业 硕士研究生 获硕士学位

1994.09-1997.06 中国农业大学 资源与环境学院植物营养系 博士研究生 获博士学位


1997.07-1999.11 中国农业大学 资源与环境学院 讲师

1999.12-2005.11 中国农业大学 资源与环境学院 副教授

2005.12-至今 中国农业大学 资源与环境学院 教授、国家杰青、创新领军A类教授

其中:1999.11-2000.2,2000.12-2001.2,2008.11-2009.1 德国霍恩海姆大学 访问学者

2002.11-2002.12,荷兰瓦赫宁根大学,参加Livestock and Environment Interactions培训班

2004.3-2004.9,2016.3-2016.9 美国科罗拉多州立大学 访问学者 (普访和高访)

2013.11-2013.12德国Kassel大学 访问学者

2006.5-2007.4 英国洛桑研究所/生态与水文中心(CEH, Edinburgh) 访问学者

2009.1-2013.12 中科院新疆生态与地理研究所“百人计划”研究员(兼)

2012.4-2012.7,2015.2-2015.5 美国斯坦福大学 访问学者


1. 国家生态环境部大气重污染攻关项目总体专家组成员 (2017-)

2. 国家大气重污染攻关联合实验室首席专家 (2017-)

3. 中国植物营养与肥料学会养分循环与环境专业委员会委员 (2016-)

4. 中国土壤学会氮素工作委员会委员 (2016-)

5. 中国自然资源学会农业资源与环境专业委员会委员 (2015-)

6. 《生态学杂志》编委 (2015-)

7. 《Journal of Arid Land》杂志编委 (2010-)

8. 国家自然科学基金项目和重点研发项目等评审专家

9. AE, AGE, EST, PNAS, STOTEN和生态学报等多个杂志的审稿人


1. 大气沉降及其效应

2. 农田氮循环与氨减排

3. 绿色生态环境


1. 2018年获中国烟草总公司福建省公司科学技术进步奖三等奖,排名第3

2. 2017年入选《科学中国人》2016年度人物

3. 中组部万人计划科技创新领军人才(2016)

4. 国家杰出青年基金入选者(2014)(http://www.cutech.edu.cn/cn/fund/webinfo/2014/08/1407695637003517.htm)

5. 2013年入选973项目首席科学家、百人计划终评估为优秀

6. 2012年获中国科学院优秀导师奖和新疆维吾尔自治区优秀研究生导师奖

7. 2008年入选中国科学院百人计划

8. 2006年入选教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划

9. 2003年中化化肥研化中心教师优秀奖

10. 2002年湖南农业大学科技进步三等奖,排名第5


1. 国家大气重污染成因与治理攻关项目(总理基金)专题二课题8“农业排放状况及强化治理方案”(2017.4-2020.3,项目号:DQGG0208),负责人

1. 国家大气重污染成因与治理攻关项目(总理基金)专题二课题8“农业排放状况及强化治理方案”(2017.4-2020.3,项目号:DQGG0208),负责人

2. 国家杰出青年基金“土壤氮循环”(2015.1-2019.12,项目号:41425007),负责人

3. 中组部“万人计划”科技创新领军人才计划“我国农田活性氮来源、去向与环境效应”(2016.7-2019.12),负责人

4. 国家重点研发计划项目“影响区域排放-沉降关系的关键大气过程”课题1“区域氮、硫沉降时空分布与来源特征”(2017.06-2021.6,项目号:2017YFC0210101),项目骨干

5. 国家重点研发计划项目“我国主要农田肥料氮迁移转化过程与损失阻控机制”课题1“土壤氮素迁移转化特征与保氮机理”(2017.6-2021.6,项目号:2017YFD0200101),项目骨干

6. 国家重点研发计划项目“农畜牧业氨排放污染高效控制技术”课题1 北方种植业全程控氨减排关键技术研发 (2018.6-2021.12, 项目号:2018YFC0213301), 项目骨干

7. 中德DFG-IRTG合作项目“粮食-饲料-能源玉米生产系统磷资源高效利用”(2018.5-2022.11),中方项目副主持

8. 中英牛顿基金合作项目“UK-China Virtual Joint Centre for Improved Nitrogen Agronomy”(2016.1-2019.12),中方项目副主持兼协调员


10. 河南心连心公司-中国农业大学合作项目“心连心超控士氮肥在北方农田增产增效及氨减排效应研究”(2020.4-2023.3),负责人


一、发表论文和专著 (2003-2020)


1. Liu X.J.*, Xu W., Du E.Z., et al., 2020. Environmental impacts of nitrogen emissions in China and the roles of policies in emission reduction. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A, 20190324. (http://dx.doi.org/10.1098/rsta.2019.0324).

2. Liu X.J.#,*, Xu W. #, Sha Z.P., Zhang Y.Y., Wen Z., Wang J.X., Zhang F.S., Keith Goulding, 2020. A green eco-environment for sustainable development: framework and action. Front. Agr. Sci. Eng. 7(1): 67-74.

3. Chang Y.H., Huang R.J., Ge X.L., Huang X.P., Zou Z., Liu X.J., Lehmann M., 2020. Puzzling haze events during China s coronavirus (COVID-19) shutdown. Geophysical Research Letters 47, e2020GL088533. (http://dx.doi.org/10.1029/2020GL088533).

4. Dong Y.J., Yuan J., Zhang G.B., Ma J., Hilario P., Liu X.J., Lu S.H.*, 2020. Optimization of nitrogen fertilizer rate under integrated rice management in ahilly area of Southwest China. Pedosphere 30(6): 759-768.

5. Dong Y.J., Zeng F.W., Yuan J., Zhang G.B., Chen Y.X., Liu X.J., Hilario P., Ren T.S., Lu S.H.*, 2020. Integrated rice management simultaneously improves rice yield and nitrogen use efficiency in various paddy fields. Pedosphere, 30(6): 863-873.

6. Fu Y.D., Xu W.*, Wen Z., Han M.J., Sun J.H., Tang A.H., Liu X.J.*, 2020. Enhanced atmospheric nitrogen deposition at a rural site in northwest China from 2011 to 2018. Atmospheric Research, 245:105071.

7. Hao T.X., Zhu Q.C., Zeng M.F., Shen J.B., Shi X.J., Liu X.J.*, Zhang F.S., De Vries W., 2020. Impacts of nitrogen fertilizer type and application rate on soil acidification rate under a wheat-maize double cropping system. Journal of Environmental Management 270: 110888.

8. Li K.H.*, Liu X.J., Hu Y.K., Mohammat A., Geng F.Z., Han W.X., 2020. Long-term increasing productivity of high-elevation grassland caused by elevated precipitation and temperature. Rangeland Ecology and Management 3: 156-161.

9. Li T.Y., Zhang W.F., Cao H.B., Ying H.,Zhang Q.S., Ren S.Y., Liu Z.T., Yin Y.L., Qin W., Cui Z.L., Liu X.J., Ju X.T., Oenema O., De Vries W., Zhang F.S., 2020. Region-specific nitrogen management indexes for sustainable cereal production in China. Environmental Research Communications, accepted 29 June 2020 (Article reference: ERC-100316.R1).

10. Liu L., Zhang X.Y., Xu W., Liu X.J., Li Y., Wei J., Gao M., Bi J., Lu X.H., Wang Z., Wu X.D., 2020. Challenges for global sustainable nitrogen management in agricultural systems. J. Agric. Food Chem., 68(11): 3354–3361.

11. Liu L., Zhang X.Y., Xu W., Liu X.J., Zhang Y., Li Y., Wei J., Lu X.H., Wang S.Q., Zhang W.T., Zhao L.M., Wang Z., Wu X.D., 2020. Fall of oxidized while rise of reduced reactive nitrogen deposition in China. J. Clean. Prod. 272: 122875.

12. Luo X.S., Liu X.J.*, Pan Y.P., Wen Z., Xu W., Zhang L., Kou C.L.*, Goulding K., 2020. Atmospheric reactive nitrogen concentration and deposition trends from 2011-2018 at an urban site in north China. Atmospheric Environment 224: 117298.

13. Pan Y.P., Tian S.L., Wu D.M., Xu W., Zhu X.Y., Liu C.Y., Li D.J., Fang Y.T., Duan L., Liu X.J., Wang Y.S., 2020. Ammonia should be considered in field experiments mimicking nitrogen deposition. Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters, https://doi.org/10.1080/16742834.2020.1733919.

14. Sha Z.P., Ma X., Wang J.X., Lv T.T., Li Q.Q., Misselbrook T., Liu X.J.*, 2020. Effect of N stabilizer on fertilizer-N fate in soil-crop system: A meta-analysis. Agric Ecosyst. Environ. 290:106763.

15. Sha Z.P., Ma X., Loick N., Lv T.T., Cardenas L.M., Ma Y., Liu X.J.*, Misselbrook T., 2020. Nitrogen stabilizers mitigate reactive N and greenhouse gas emissions from an arable soil in North China Plain: Field and laboratory investigation. J. Clean. Prod. 258:121025.

16. Sha Z.P., Tiantian Lv, Maarten Staal, Xin Ma, Zhang Wen, Qianqian Li, Gregor Pasda, Tom Misselbrook, Xuejun Liu*, 2020. Effect of combining urea fertilizer with P and K fertilizers on the efficacy of urease inhibitors under different storage conditions. Journal of Soils and Sediments 20: 2130-2140.

17. Shen J.B., Zhu Q.C., Jiao X.Q., Ying H., Wang H.L., Wen X., Xu W., Cong W.F., Liu X.J., Hou Y., Oenema O., Davies W.J., Zhang F.S., 2020. Agriculture Green Development: a model for China and the world. Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering, 7(1): 5-13.

18. Tan Q.Q., Hao T.X., Gao S., Liu X.J., Wang G.A.*, Yu Q., 2020. Soil organic carbon turnover recovers faster than plant diversity in the grassland when high nitrogen addition is ceased: Derived from soil 14C evidences. Global Ecology and Conservation, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gecco.2020.e01229.

19. Wen Z.#, Xu W. #, Li Q., Han M.J., Tang A.H., Zhang Y., Luo X.S., Shen J.L., Wang W., Li K.H., Pan Y.P., Zhang L., Li W.Q., Collett Jr J. L. Zhong B.Q., Wang X.M., Goulding K., Zhang F.S., Liu X.J.*, 2020. Changes of nitrogen deposition in China during 1980 and 2018. Environment International 144: 106022.

20. Xu W., Wen Z., Shang B., Dore A.J., Tang A.H., Xia X.P., Zheng A.H. Han M.J., Zhang L., Zhao Y.H., Zhang G.Z., Feng Z.Z.*, Liu X.J.*, Zhang F.S., 2020. Precipitation chemistry and atmospheric nitrogen deposition in rural Beijing, China. Atmos. Environ. 223: 117253.

21. Zhang K.P., Ni Y.Y., Liu X.J., Chu H.Y.*, 2020. Microbes changed their carbon use strategy to regulate the priming effect in an 11-year nitrogen addition experiment in grassland. Science of the Total Environment 727: 138645. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.138645.

22. Zhang Y., Liu X.J., You L.Z., Zhang F.S., 2020. Improving potential of nitrogen linked gray water footprint in China s intensive cropping systems. J. Clean. Prod., https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.122307.

23. Zhang Y.Y., Benedict K., Tang A.H. Sun Y.L., Fang Y.T., Liu X.J.*, 2020. Persistent non-agricultural and periodic agricultural emissions dominate sources of ammonia in urban Beijing: Evidence from 15N stable isotope in vertical profiles. Environ. Sci. Technol. 54: 102-109.

24. Zhu Q.C., Liu X.J., Hao T.X., Zeng M.F., Shen J.B,, Zhang F.S., de Vries W., 2020. Cropland acidification increases risk of yield losses and food insecurity in China. Environ. Pollut. 256: 113145.


1. Chen S., Hao T.X., Goulding K., Misselbrook T., Liu X.J.*, 2019. Impact of 13-years of nitrogen addition on nitrous oxide and methane fluxes and ecosystem respiration in a temperate grassland. Environ. Pollut., 252: 675-681.

2. Cui X.Q., Yue P., Wu W.C., Gong Y.M., Li K.H., Tom Misselbrook, Goulding K., Liu X.J.*, 2019. The growth and N retention of two annual desert plants varied under different nitrogen deposition rates. Frontiers in Plant Science, 10: 356, DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2019.00356.

3. Fu Y.D., Wang W., Han M.J., Kuerban M., Wang C., Liu X.J.*, 2019. Atmospheric dry and bulk nitrogen deposition to forest environment in the North China Plain. Atmos. Pollut. Res. 10: 1636-1642.

4. Geng F.Z., Li K.H.*, Liu X.J.*, Gong Y.M., Yue P., Li Y.G., Han W.X., 2019. Nonlinear response of N2O emission to N deposition in an alpine grassland of central Asia. Catena, 182: 104100.

5. Hao T.X., Zhu Q.C., Zeng M.F., Shen J.B., Shi X.J., Liu X.J.*, Zhang F.S., Wim de Vries, 2019. Quantification of the contribution of nitrogen fertilization and crop harvesting to soil acidification in a wheat-maize double cropping system. Plant and Soil, 434: 167-184.

6. Lambers H., Yuan L.X., Liu X.J., 2019. Highlights of special issue on “Sustainable phosphorus use in agri-food system”. Front. Agr. Sci. Eng., 6(4): 311-312.

7. Lyu J.L., Buekert A., Benedict K.B., Liu G.J., Lv C.Y., Liu X.J.*, 2019. Comparison of nitrogen deposition across different land use types in agro-pastoral catchments of western China and Mongolia. Atmospheric Environment 199: 313-322.

8. Nino-Savala G.A., Zhuang Z., Ma X., Fangmeier A., Li H.F., Tang A.H., Liu X.J., 2019. Cadmium pollution from arable soils and crops: an overview. Front. Agr. Sci. Eng. 6(4): 419-430.

9. Peng Y.F., Wang, Li G.Q., Li F., Yang G.B., Fang K., Liu L., Qin S.Q., Zhang D.Y., Zhou G.Y., Fang H.J., Liu X.J., Liu C.Y., Yang Y.H.*, 2019. Unimodal response of soil methane consumption to increasing nitrogen additions. Environmental Science and Technology, 53(8): 4150-4160.

10. Roelcke M., Heimann L., Hou Y., Guo J.B., Xue Q.Y., Jia W., Ostermann A., Huaiwalla R.M., Engbers M., Olbrich C., Scholz R.W., Clemens J., Schuchardt F., Nieder R., Liu X.J., Zhang F.S., 2019. Phosphorus status, use and recycling in a Chinese peri-urban region with intensive animal husbandry and cropping systems. Front. Agr. Sci. Eng., 6(4): 388-402.

11. Sha Z.P., Li Q.Q., Lv T.T., Misselbrook T., Liu X.J.*, 2019. Response of ammonia volatilization to biochar addition: A meta-analysis. Science of the Total Environment, 655: 1387-1396.

12. Wang S., Yang M., Shi X.J., Liao S.P., Lu J.W., Sheng W.H., Guo S.W., Shen J.B., Zhang F.S., Goulding K., Liu X.J.*, 2019. Yield and the 15N fate in rice/maize season in the Yangtze River Basin. Agronomy Journal, 111(2): 517-527.

13. Wang S.#, Yang L.S.#, Su M.M., Ma Xin, Sun Y.C., Yang M., Zhao P.S., Shen J.B., Zhang F.S., Goulding K., Shi X.J.*, Liu X.J.*, 2019. Increasing the agricultural, environmental and economic benefits of farming based on suitable crop rotations and optimum fertilizer applications. Field Crops Research, 240: 78-85.

14. Wang W.#, Xu W.#, Collett Jr. J.L., Liu D.Y., Zheng A.H., Dore A.J., Liu X.J.*, 2019. Chemical compositions of fog and precipitation at Sejila Mountain in the southeast Tibetan Plateau, China. Environmental Pollution, 253: 560-568.

15. Wang W., Xu W., Wang W., Xu W., Wen Z., Wang D.D., Wang S., Zhang Z.W., Zhao Y.H., Liu X.J.*, 2019. Characteristics of atmospheric reactive nitrogen deposition in Nyingchi City. Scientific Reports, 4645. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-019-39855-2.

16. Xu W., Zhang L., Liu X.J.*, 2019. A database of atmospheric nitrogen concentration and deposition from a nationwide monitoring network in China. Scientific DATA, 6:51.

17. Xu W., Liu X.J.*, Liu L., Dore A.J., Tang A., Lu L., Wu Q., Zhang Y., Hao T., Pan Y., Chen J., Zhang F., 2019. Impact of emission controls on air quality in Beijing during APEC 2014: Implications from water-soluble ions and carbonaceous aerosol in PM2.5 and their precursors. Atmospheric Environment, 210: 241-252.

18. Vitousek P., Liu X.J.*, 2019. Comments on “Innovations of phosphorus sustainability: implications for the whole food chain”. Front. Agr. Sci. Eng. 6(4): 441-442.

19. Yu G.R.*, Jia Y.L., He N.P., Zhu J.X., Wang Q.F., Chen Z., Piao S.L., Liu X.J., Wen Z., He H.L., Guo X.B., Zhang W., Li P., Ding G.A., Goulding K., 2019. Stabilization of atmospheric nitrogen deposition in China over the past decade. Nature Geoscience, 12: 424-429.

20. Yue P., Cui X.Q., Gong Y.M., Li K.H., Keith Goulding, Liu X.J.*, 2019. Fluxes of N2O, CH4 and soil respiration as affected by water and nitrogen addition in a temperate desert. Geoderma, 337: 770-772.

21. Zhang K.P., Shi Y., Cui X.Q., Yue P., Li K.H., Liu X.J., Tripathi B., Chu H.Y.*, 2019. Salinity is a key determinant for soil microbial communities in desert ecosystem. mSystems, 4(1): e00225-18, doi: 10.1128/mSystems.00225-18.

22. Zhang Y.*, Liu C.M., Liu X.J., Xu W., Zhang W., 2019. Atmospheric nitrogen deposition around the Dongting Lake, China. Atmospheric Environment, 207: 197-204.

23. 苏原, 罗艳, 耿凤展, 韩文轩, 朱玉梅, 李凯辉, 刘学军*, 2019. 天山高寒草原植物叶片氮磷化学计量特征对氮沉降的响应 [J]. 干旱区研究, 2019, 36(2): 430-436.


1. Hao T.X., Song L., Goulding K., Zhang F.S., Liu X.J.*, 2018. Cumulative and recoverable impacts of long-term nitrogen addition on a temperate steppe. Ecol. Appl., 28(1): 247-255.

2. Li T.Y.#, Zhang W.F.#, Yin J., Chadwick D., Norse D., Lu, Y.L., Liu X.J., Chen X.P., Zhang F.S., Powlson D., Dou Z.X.*, 2018. Enhanced-efficiency fertilizers are not a panacea for resolving the nitrogen problem. Global Change Biology, 24: e511-e521.

3. Liu D.Y., Su Y., Peng H.Q., Yan W.L., Li Y., Liu X.J., Zhu B., Wang H.L., Zhang, X.L., 2018. Size Distributions of Water-Soluble Inorganic Ions in Atmospheric Aerosols during the Meiyu Period on the North Shore of Taihu Lake, China. Aerosol and Air Quality Research 18(12): 2997-3008.

4. Liu M.X., Huang X., Song Y.*, Xu T.T., Wang S.X.*, Wu Z.J., Hu M., Zhang L., Zhang Q., Pan Y.P., Liu X.J., Zhu T., 2018. Rapid SO2 emission reductions significantly increase tropospheric ammonia concentrations over the North China Plain. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 18: 17933-17943.

5. Song L., Liu X.J., Skiba U., Zhu B.*, Zhang X.F., Liu M.Y., Twigg M., Shen J.L., Dore A., Reis S., Coyle M., Wen Z., Levy P., Fowler, 2018. Ambient concentrations and deposition rates of selected reactive nitrogen species and their contribution to PM2.5 aerosols at three locations with contrasting land use in southwest China. Environ. Pollut. 233: 1164-1176.

6. Tan Y.Y., Wang G.A.*, Liu X.J., Hao T.X., Tan W.B., 2018. Responses of soil organic carbon turnover to nitrogen deposition are associated with nitrogen input rates: Derived from soil 14C evidences. Environmental Pollution, 238: 500-507.

7. Wang M.R., Ma L., Maryna S., Ma W.Q., Liu X.J., Kroeze C., 2018. Hotspots for nitrogen and phosphorus losses from food production in China: a county-scale analysis. Environ. Sci. Technol., 52(10): 5782-5791.

8. Wang W. , Liu X.J., Xu J., Dore A.J., Xu W.*, 2018. Imbalanced nitrogen and phosphorus deposition in the urban and forest environments in southeast Tibet. Atmospheric Pollution Research, 9(4): 774-782.

9. Xu W.#, Zhao Y.H.#, Liu X.J.*, Dore A.J., Zhang L., Liu L., Cheng M.M., 2018. Atmospheric nitrogen deposition in the Yangtze River basin: Spatial pattern and source attribution. Environ. Pollut., 232: 546-555.

10. Xu W., Liu L., Cheng M.M., Zhao Y.H., Zhang L., Pan Y.P., Zhang X.M., Gu B.J., Li Y., Zhang X.Y., Shen J.L., Lu L., Luo X.S., Zhao Y., Feng Z.Z.*, Collett Jr. J.L., Zhang F.S., Liu X.J.*, 2018. Spatial–temporal patterns of inorganic nitrogen air concentrations and deposition in eastern China. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 18: 10931-10954.

11. Yue P., Cui X.Q., Gong Y.M., Li K.H., Goulding K., Liu X.J.*, 2018. Impact of elevated precipitation, nitrogen deposition and warming on soil respiration in a temperate desert. Biogeosciences, 15: 2007-2019.

12. Zhang X.Y., Zhang W.T., Lu X.H., Liu X.J., Chen D.M., Liu L., Huang X.J., 2018. Long-term trends in NO2 columns related to economic developments and air quality policies from 1997 to 2016 in China. Science of the Total Environment, 639: 146-155.

13. Zhang Y.Y., Tang A.H.*, Wang D.D., Wang Q.Q., Benedict K., Zhang L., Liu D.Y., Li Y., Collett Jr. J.L., Sun Y.L.*, Liu X.J.*, 2018. The vertical variability of ammonia in urban Beijing, China. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 18, 16385-16398.

14. Zhu Q.C., Wim de Vries, Liu X.J.*, Hao T.X., Zeng M.F., Shen J.B., Zhang F.S., 2018. Enhanced acidification in Chinese croplands as derived from element budgets in the period 1980-2010. Science of the Total Environment, 618: 1497-1505.

15. Zhu Q.C., Liu X.J., Hao T.X., Zeng M.F., Shen J.B., Zhang F.S.*, Wim de Vries*, 2018. Modeling soil acidification in typical Chinese cropping systems. Science of the Total Environment, 613/614: 1339 -1348.

16. Zhang L.*, Chen Y.F., Zhao Y.H., Henze D.K., Zhu L.Y., Song Y., Paulot F., Liu X.J., Pan Y.P., Lin Y., Huang B.X., 2018. Agricultural ammonia emissions in China: reconciling bottom-up and top-down estimates. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 18: 339-355.

17. 吕金岭, 刘骅, 王西和,李婷,寇长林,刘学军*,2018. 施肥处理对春季冻融期灰漠土农田温室气体排放的影响。土壤学报 55(1): 159-173.

18. 王伟, 刘学军*,2018. 青藏高原氮沉降研究现状及草地生态系统响应研究进展。中国农业大学学报 23(5): 151-158.

19. 吴文超,岳平,崔晓庆,李凯辉,刘学军*, 2018. 古尔班通古特沙漠土壤微生物碳氮对环境因子的响应。干旱区研究,35(3): 13-21.

20. 许稳,刘学军*,孟令敏,郑鲲, 2018. 不同养殖阶段猪舍氨气和颗粒物污染特征及其动态。农业环境科学学报, 37(6): 1248-1254.


1. Liu X.J.*, Xu W., Duan L., Du E.Z., Pan Y.P., Lu X.K., Zhang L., Wu Z.Y., Wang X.M., Zhang Y., Shen J.L., Song L., Feng Z.Z., Liu X.Y., Song W., Tang A.H., Zhang Y.Y., Zhang X.Y., Collett Jr. J.L. Chang Y.H., 2017. Atmospheric nitrogen emission, deposition and air quality impacts in China: An overview. Current Pollution Reports, 3: 65-77.

2. Cui X.Q., Yue P., Gong Y.M., Li K.H., Tan D.Y., Goulding K., Liu X.J.*, 2017. Impacts of water and nitrogen addition on nitrogen recovery in Haloxylon ammodendron dominated desert ecosystems. Science of the Total Environment, 601-602: 1280-1288.

3. Li Q.Q., Cui X.Q., Liu X.J.*, Roelcke M., Pasda G., Zerulla W., Wissemeier A.H., Chen X.P., Zhang F.S., 2017. Role of a urease inhibitor Limus in decreasing ammonia volatilization and improving maize nitrogen utilization in North China Plain. Sci. Rep., 7: 43853.

4. Liu D.Y.*, Liu X.J., Wang H.B., Li Y., Kang Z.M., Cao L., Yu X.N., Chen H., 2017. A new type of haze? The December 2015 purple (magenta) haze event in Nanjing, China. Atmosphere, 8: 76-85.

5. Liu L., Zhang X.Y.*, Xu W., Liu X.J., Li Y., Lu X.H., Zhang Y.H., Zhang W.T., 2017. Temporal characteristics of atmospheric ammonia and nitrogen dioxide over China based on emission data, satellite observations and atmospheric transport modeling since 1980. Atmos. Phys. Chem., 17: 9365-9378.

6. Liu L., Zhang X.Y.*, Zhang Y., Xu W., Liu X.J., Zhang X.M., Feng J.L., Chen X.R., Zhang Y.H., Lu X.H., Wang S.Q., Zhang W.T., Zhao L.M., 2017. Dry particulate nitrate deposition in China. Environmental Science and Technology, 51(10): 5572-5581.

7. Liu L., Zhang X.Y.*, Xu W., Liu X.J., Lu X.H., Wang S.Q., Zhang W.T., Zhao L.M., 2017. Ground ammonia concentrations over China derived from satellite and atmospheric transport modeling. Remote Sensing 9: 467.

8. Liu L., Zhang X.Y.*, Xu W., Liu X.J., Lu X.H., Chen D.M., Zhang X.M., Wang S.Q., Zhang W.T., 2017. Estimation of monthly bulk nitrate deposition in China based on satellite NO2 measurement by the Ozone Monitoring Instrument. Remote Sensing of Environment, 199: 93-106.

9. Lyu J.L., Liu H., Wang X.H., Tian C.Y., Liu X.J.*, 2017. Crop yields and soil organic carbon dynamics in a long-term fertilization experiment in an extremely arid region. Journal of Arid Land, 9: 345-354.

10. Pan Y.P.*, Liu Y.W., Wentworth G.R., Zhang L., Zhao Y.H., Li Y., Liu X.J., Du E.Z., Fang F.T., Xiao H.W., Ma H.Y., Wang Y.S., 2017. Letter to the Editor: Critical assessment of the current state of scientific knowledge, terminology, and research needs concerning the ecological effects of elevated atmospheric nitrogen deposition in China. Atmos. Environ., 153: 109-116.

11. Shi Z.H., Li J.Y., Huang L., Wang P., Wu L., Ying Q., Zhang H.L., Lu L., Liu X.J., Liao H., Hu J.L.*, 2017. Source apportionment of fine particulate matter in China in 2013 using a source-oriented chemical transport model. Science of the Total Environment, 601-602: 1476-1487. (SCI, IF5yr: 4.984, cited 19 times)

12. Gu S.Z., Jenkins A., Gao S.-J., Lu Y.L., Li H., Li Y.Y., Ferriere R.C., Bailey M., Wang Y.W., Zhang Y., Qi X.B., Lu L.L., Ding L.Q., Danielle T., Williams R., Hannaford J., Acreman M., Kirk S., Liu H.X., Liu Z.T., Luo L.G., Yan D.H., Liu X.J., Yu F., Wang D., Zhang B., Ding A.Z., Xie X.R., Liu J., Ma C., Jobson A., 2017. Ensuring water resource security in China; the need for advances in evidence-based policy to support sustainable management. Environ. Sci. Policy, 75: 65-69.

13. Song L., Kuang F.H. , Skiba U., Zhu B.*, Liu X.J., Levy P., Dore A., Fowler D., 2017. Bulk deposition of organic and inorganic nitrogen in southwest China from 2008 to 2013. Environ. Pollut., 227: 157-166. (SCI, IF=5.099)

14. Su M.M., Kuang F.H., Lv Y., Shi X.J., Liu X.J.*, Shen J.B., Zhang F.S., 2017. Nitrous oxide and methane emissions from paddy soils under different cropping systems receiving varying N inputs in southwest China. Geoderma Regional, 8: 1-11.

15. Xu W., Song W., Zhang Y.Y., Liu X.J.*, Zhang L., Zhao Y.H., Liu D.Y., Tang A.H., Yang D.W., Wang D.D., Wen Z., Pan Y.P., Fowler D., Collett J., Erisman J.W., Goulding K., Li Y., Zhang F.S., 2017. Air quality improvement in a megacity: Implications from 2015 Beijing parade blue pollution-control actions. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 17: 31-46, doi: 10.5194/acp-17-31-2017.

16. Zeng, M., De Vries, W., Bonten, L.T.C., Zhu, Q., Hao, T., Liu, X., Xu, M., Shi, X., Zhang, F., Shen, J.*, 2017. Model-based analysis of the long-term effects of fertilization management on cropland soil acidification. Environ. Sci. Technol. 51: 3843-3851. (SCI, IF=6.96)

17. Zhan X.Y., Zhou F.*, Liu X.J., Paerl H., Shen J.L., Wang R., Tao S., Li F.R., Bo Y., Dong Y.J., Tang X.Y., 2017. Evidence for the importance of atmospheric nitrogen deposition to eutrophic lake Dianchi, China. Environ. Sci. Technol., 51(12): 6699-6708.

18. Zhang X.M., Wu Y.Y., Liu X.J., Reis S., Jin J.X., Dragosits D., Van Damme M., Clarisse L., Whitburn S., Coheur P.-F., Gu B.J., 2017. Ammonia emissions may be substantially underestimated in China. Environmental Science and Technology 51(21): 12089-12096.

19. Zhang X.Y., Lu X.H.*, Liu L., Chen D.M., Zhang X.M., Liu X.J., Zhang Y., 2017. Dry deposition of NO2 over China inferred from OMI columnar NO2 and atmospheric chemistry transport model. Atmospheric Environment, 169: 238-249. (SCI, IF=3.948)

20. Zhang Y.B.#, Xu W.#, Wen Z., Chen S., Xu W., Tang A.H., Liu X.J.*, 2017. Atmospheric deposition of inorganic nitrogen in a semi-arid region of Inner Mongolia. Journal of Arid Land, 9(6): 810-822.

21. Zhang Y.Y., Wei J.M., Tang A.H.*, Zheng A.H., Liu X.J., 2017. Chemical characteristics of PM2.5 during 2015 Spring Festival in Beijing, China. Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 17: 1169-1180. (SCI, IF=2.754)

22. Zhao Y.H., Zhang L.*, Chen Y.F., Liu X.J., Xu W., Pan Y.P., Duan L., 2017. Atmospheric nitrogen deposition to China: A model analysis on nitrogen budget and critical load exceedance. Atmos. Environ., 153: 32-40.

23. 许稳、金鑫、罗少辉、冯兆忠、张霖、潘月鹏、刘学军*,2017. 西宁近郊大气氮干湿沉降研究. 环境科学 38(4): 1279-1288.

24. 田世丽、刘学军、潘月鹏*、周焱博、许稳、王跃思,2017. 应用扩散管测量霾污染期间大气氮硫化合物浓度的方法. 环境科学 27(9): 3605-3609.

25. 尹兴、张丽娟、刘新、刘学军、许稳、倪丽,2017. 河北平原城郊农田氮素沉降研究。中国农业科学,50(4): 698-710.

26. 王雪君, 高志岭, 刘学军, 张楠, 张金瑞, 2017. 养殖场、农田和道路大气PM2.5中金属元素的污染特征分析. 河北农业大学学报, (5): 18-24.


1. Liu X.J.*, Xu W., Du E.Z., Pan Y.P., Goulding K., 2016. Reduced nitrogen dominated nitrogen deposition in the US, but its contribution to nitrogen deposition in China decreased. PNAS, 113 (26): E3590-E3591, doi: 10.1073/pnas.1607507113.

2. Liu X.J.*, Vitousek P., Chang Y.H., Zhang W.F., Matson P., Zhang F.S., 2016. Evidence for a historic change occurring in China. Environ. Sci. Technol., 50(2): 505-506.

3. Yue P., Li K.H.*, Gong Y.M., Hu Y.K., Mohammat A., Christie P., Liu X.J.*, 2016. A five-year study of the impact of nitrogen addition on methane uptake in alpine grassland. Scientific Reports 6: 32064.

4. Zhu Q.C., de Vries W., Liu X.J.*, Zeng M.F., Hao T.X., Enzai Du, Zhang F.S., Shen J.B., 2016. The contribution of atmospheric deposition and forest harvesting to forest soil acidification in China since 1980. Atmos. Environ. 146: 215-222.

5. Luo X.S., Pan Y.P., Goulding K., Zhang L., Liu X.J.*, Zhang F.S., 2016. Spatial and seasonal variations of atmospheric sulfur concentrations and dry deposition at 16 rural and suburban sites in China. Atmos. Environ. 146: 79-89.

6. Xu W., Wu Q.H., Liu X.J.*, Tang A.H., Dore A.J., Heal M.R., 2016. Characteristics of ammonia, acid gases and PM2.5 for three typical land use types in the North China Plain. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 23: 1158-1172.

7. Xu W., Zheng K., Liu X.J.*, Hartung E., Roelcke M., Zhang F.S., 2016. Concentrations and emissions of particulate matter from fattening pig buildings at a large-scale pig farm in northern China. Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 16, 79-90.

8. Xu W., Li W.Q., Chen S.H., Yang D.W., Zhang Y.Y., Xue J., Liu X.J.*, 2016. Quantification of nitrogen dry and wet deposition in Fujian tobacco planting area. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 36: 424-432.

9. Liu J.Y., Zhang Y., Liu X.J.*, Tang A.H., Qiu H.S., Zhang F.S., 2016. Concentrations and isotopic characteristics of atmospheric reactive nitrogen around typical sources in Beijing, China. Journal of Arid Land, 8(6): 910-920.

10. Lv J.L., Wang X.H., Liu H., Li K.H., Liu X.J.*, 2016. Highly arid oasis yield, soil mineral N accumulation and N balance in a wheat-cotton rotation with drip irrigation and mulching film management. PloS ONE, 11(10): e0165404.

11. Chang Y.H., Liu X.J.*, Deng C.R.*, Dore A.J., Zhuang G.S., 2016. Source apportionment of atmospheric ammonia before, during, and after the 2014 APEC summit in Beijing using stable nitrogen isotope signatures. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 16(18): 11635-11647.

12. Kuang F.H., Liu X.J., Zhu B.*, Shen J.L., Pan Y.P., Su M.M., Goulding K., 2016. Wet and dry nitrogen deposition in China’s central Sichuan Basin. Atmospheric Environment, 143: 39-50.

13. Zeng J., Liu X.J., Song L., Lin X.G., Zhang H.Y., Shen C.C., Chu H.Y., 2016. Nitrogen fertilization directly affects soil bacterial diversity and indirectly affects bacterial community composition. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 92: 41-49.

14. Kang Y., Liu, M., Song, Y., Huang, X., Yao, H., Cai, X., Zhang, H., Kang, L., Liu, X.J., Yan, X., He, H., Zhang, Q., Shao, M., and Zhu, T., 2016. High-resolution ammonia emissions inventories in China from 1980 to 2012. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 16: 2043-2058.

15. Du E.Z., Vries W. de, Han W.X., Liu X.J., Yan Z.B., Jiang Y., 2016. Imbalanced phosphorus and nitrogen deposition in China’s forests. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 16: 8571-8579.

16. Liang T., Tong Y.A., Xu W., Wei Y., Lin W., Pang Y., Liu F., Liu X.J., 2016. Atmospheric nitrogen deposition in the Loess area of China. Atmos. Pollut. Res. 7(3): 447-453.

17. Liang T., Tong Y.A., Liu X.J., Xu W., Luo X.S., Christie P., 2016. High nitrogen deposition in an agricultural ecosystem of Shaanxi, China. Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res., 23(13): 13210-13221.

18. 刘平,刘学军,骆晓声,吴庆华,刘恩科,韩彦龙,李丽君,白光洁,武文丽,张强*,2016. 山西北部农村区域大气活性氮沉降特征. 生态学报 36(17): 5353-5359.

19. 宿敏敏, 况福虹, 吕阳, 赵亚南, 傅先友, 李群英, 雷云飞,张福锁,石孝均,申建波,刘学军*, 2016. 不同轮作体系不同施氮量对甲烷排放比较研究. 植物营养与肥料学报, 22: 913-920.

20. 王晓丽, 李凯辉, 宋韦, 阿德力•麦地, 刘学军*, 2016. 新疆天山北坡中段森林生态系统氮素干沉降. 干旱区研究, 33(4): 830-836。

21. 杨道伟, 许稳, 唐傲寒, 鲁丽, 刘学军*, 2016. 中国东部地区无机氮湿沉降: 南-北不同类型监测点的比较. 应用生态学报,27(10): 3205-3212.


1. Feng Z. Z., Liu X. J.*, Zhang F. S., 2015. Air pollution affects food security in China: taking ozone as an example. Front. Agr. Sci. Eng. 2(2): 152-158; doi: 10.15302/J-FASE-2015067.

2. Du E., W. de Vries, X. Liu, J. Fang, J. N. Galloway, Y. Jiang, 2015. Spatial boundary of urban acid islands in southern China. Scientific Reports 5: 12625.

3. Xu W., Luo X.S., Pan Y.P., Zhang L., A. H. Tang, J. L. Shen, Y. Zhang, K. H. Li, Q. H. Wu, D. W. Yang, Y. Y. Zhang, J. Xue, W. Q. Li, Q. Q. Li, L. Tang, S. H. Lu, T. Liang, Y. A. Tong, P. Liu, Q. Zhang, Z. Q. Xiong, X. J. Shi, L. H. Wu, W. Q. Shi, K. Tian, X. H. Zhong, K. Shi, Q. Y. Tang, L. J. Zhang, J. L. Huang, C. E. He, F. H. Kuang, B. Zhu, H. Liu, X. Jin, Y. J. Xin, X. K Shi, E. Z. Du, A. J. Dore, S. Tang, J. L. Jr. Collett, K. Goulding, Sun, Y. X., Ren, J., Zhang F.S., Liu X.J.*, 2015. Quantifying atmospheric nitrogen deposition through a nationwide monitoring network across China. Atmos. Chem. Phys. 15: 12345–12360.

4. Liu X.J.*, Xu W., Pan Y.P., Du E.Z., 2015. Liu et al. suspect that Zhu et al. (2015) may have underestimated dissolved organic N but overestimated total particulate N in wet deposition in China. Science of the Total Environment 520: 300-301.

5. Yang Y.H., Li P., He H.L., Zhao X., Datta A., Zhang Y., Liu X.J., Han W.X., Wilson M.C., Fang J.Y., 2015. Long-term changes in soil pH across major forest ecosystems in China. Geophysical Research Letters 42: 933-940.

6. Van Damme M., L. Clarisse, E. Dammers, X. Liu, J. B. Nowak, C. Clerbaux, C. R. Flechard, C. Galy-Lacaux, W. Xu, J. A. Neuman, Y. S. Tang, M. A. Sutton, J. W. Erisman, and P.-F. Coheur, 2015. Towards validation of ammonia (NH3) measurements from the IASI satellite. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 8(3): 1575-1591.

7. Lu Y.L., Jenkins A., Ferrier R.C., Bailey M., Gordon I.J., Song S., Huang J.K., Jia S.F., Zhang F.S., Liu X.J., Feng Z.Z., Zhang Z.B., 2015. Addressing China’s grand challenge of achieving food security while ensuring environmental sustainability. Science Advances 1(1): e1400039.

8. Song W.#, Chang Y. #, Liu X.*, Li K., Gong Y., He G., Wang X., Christie P., Zheng M., Dore A.J., Tian C., 2015. A multiyear assessment of air quality benefits from China’s emerging shale gas revolution: Urumqi as a case study. Environ. Sci. Technol. 49: 2066-2072.

9. Li Q.Q., Yang A.L., Wang Z.H., Roelcke M., Chen X.P., Zhang F.S., Pasda G., Zerulla W., Wissemeier A.H., Liu X.J.*, 2015. Effect of a new urease inhibitor on ammonia volatilization and nitrogen utilization in wheat in north and northwest China. Field Crops Research 175: 96-105.

10. Feng Z.Z., Hu E.Z., Wang X.K., Jiang L.J., Liu X.J., 2015. Ground-level O3 pollution and its impacts on food crops in China: A review. Environmental Pollution 199: 42-48.

11. Li K.H., Liu X.J.*, Song L., Gong Y.M., Lu C.F., Yue P., Tian C.Y., Zhang F.S., 2015. Response of alpine grassland to elevated N deposition and water supply in China. Oecologia 177(1): 65-72.

12. 李欠欠, 李雨繁, 高强, 李世清, 陈新平, 张福锁, 刘学军*, 2015. 传统和优化施氮对春玉米产量、氨挥发及氮平衡的影响. 植物营养与肥料学报 21(3): 571-579.


1. Haygarth P.M., Jarvie H.P., Powers S.M., Sharpley A.N., Elser J.J., Shen J.B, Peterson H.M., Chan N.I., Howden N.J.K., Burt T., Worrall F., Zhang F.S., Liu X.J., 2014. Sustainable phosphorus management and the need for a long-term perspective: The legacy hypothesis. Environmental Science and Technology, 48(15): 8417-8419.

2. Luo X.S., Tang A.H., Shi K., Wu L.H., Li W.Q., Shi W.Q., Shi X.K., Erisman J.W., Zhang F.S., Liu X.J.*, 2014. Chinese coastal seas are facing heavy atmospheric nitrogen deposition. Environmental Research Letters 9: 095007.

3. He G.X., Li K.H.*, Gong Y.M., Hu Y.K., Liu X.J., 2014. Fluxes of methane, carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide in alpine wetlands and grasslands of the Tianshan Mountains, Xinjiang. Journal of Arid Land 6(6): 717-724.

4. Xu W., Zheng K., Liu X.J.*, Meng L.M., Huaitalla R.M., Shen J.L., Hartung E., Gallmann E., Roelcke M., Zhang F.S., 2014. Atmospheric NH3 dynamics at a typical pig farm in China and their implications. Atmospheric Pollution Research 5: 455-463.

5. Lv J.L., Liu X.J.*, Liu H., Wang X.H., Li K.H., Tian C.Y., Christie P., 2014. Greenhouse gas intensity and net annual global warming potential of cotton cropping systems in an extremely arid region. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 98:15-26.

6. Gong Y.M., Mohammat A., Liu X.J., Li K.H., Christie P., Fang F., Song W., Chang Y.H., Han W. X., Lv X.T., Y. Y. Liu, Hu Y.K., 2014. Response of carbon dioxide emissions to sheep grazing and N application in an alpine grassland – Part 1: Effect of sheep grazing. Biogeosciences 11: 1743–1750.

7. Gong Y.M., Mohammat A., Liu X.J., Li K.H., Christie P., Fang F., Song W., Chang Y.H., Han W. X., Lv X.T., Y. Y. Liu, Hu Y.K., 2014. Response of carbon dioxide emissions to sheep grazing and N application in an alpine grassland – Part 2: Effect of nitrogen application. Biogeosciences 11: 1751-1757.

8. Shen J.L., Jieyun Liu, Yong Li*, Yuyuan Li, Yi Wang, Xuejun Liu, Jinshui Wu, 2014. Contribution of atmospheric nitrogen deposition to diffuse pollution in a typical hilly red soil catchment in southern China. Journal of Environmental Sciences 26: 1797–1805.

9. 贺桂香,李凯辉,宋韦,公延明,刘学军*,胡玉昆,田长彦. 2014. 新疆天山高寒草原不同放牧管理下的CO2、CH4和N2O通量特征. 生态学报 34(3): 674-681.

10. 骆晓声, 石伟琦*, 鲁丽, 刘学军, 莫亿伟, 邓峰. 2014. 我国雷州半岛典型农田大气氮沉降研究。生态学报, 34(19): 5541-5548.

11. 岳平,宋韦,李凯辉*,贺桂香,王晓丽,刘学军. 2014. 天山中部巴音布鲁克高寒草原大气无机氮沉降. 应用生态学报,25(6): 1592-1598.

12. 梁婷,同延安,林文,乔丽,刘学军,白水成,杨宪龙, 2014. 陕西省不同生态区大气氮素干湿沉降的时空变异。生态学报 34(3): 738-745.

13. 颜文娟,史 锟,刘学军等. 2014,大连旅顺口区农田大气活性氮的沉降. 环境化学, 33(7):1180-1186.


1. Liu X.J.#, Zhang Y.#, Han W.X., Tang A.H., Shen J.L., Cui Z.L., Vitousek P., Erisman J.W., Goulding K., Christie P., Fangmeier A., Zhang F.S.*, 2013. Enhanced nitrogen deposition over China. Nature 494: 459-462.

2. Liu X.J.*, 2013. Reply to Implications of greater than average increases in nitrogen deposition on the western edge of the Szechwan Basin, China by Xu et al. (2013). Environmental Pollution 177: 203.

3. Luo X.S., Liu P., Tang A.H.*, Liu J.Y., Zong X.Y., Zhang Q., Kou C.L., Zhang L.J., Fowler D., Fangmeier A., Christie P., Zhang F.S., Liu X.J.*, 2013. An evaluation of atmospheric Nr pollution and deposition in North China after the Beijing Olympics. Atmos. Env. 74: 209-216.

4. Shen J.L., Li Y.*, Liu X.J., Luo X.S., Tang H., Zhang Y.Z., Wu J.S., 2013. Atmospheric dry and wet nitrogen deposition on three contrasting land use types of an agricultural catchment in subtropical central China. Atmos Env. 67: 415-424.

5. Ostermann A.*, Siemens J., Welp G., Xue Q.Y., Lin X.Y., Liu X.J., Amelung W., 2013. Leaching of veterinary antibiotics in calcareous Chinese croplands. Chemosphere 91: 928-934.

6. Li K.H., Liu X.J.*, Song W., Chang Y.H., Hu Y K., Tian C Y.*. 2013. Atmospheric nitrogen deposition at two sites in an arid environment of Central Asia. PloS One 8(6): e67018.

7. Huaitalla R.M.*, Gallmann E., Liu X.J., Hartung E., 2013. Aerial pollutants on a pig farm in peri-urban Beijing, China. International Journal of Agricultural Biological Engineering 6: 36-47.

8. Sutton M.A., Bleeker A., Howard C.M., …, Liu X.J. (ranked by the 15th), … Zhang F.S. (with contribution from Ayyappan S,…, Yan X.Y. Zhang Y.), 2013. Our Nutrient World. Our Nutrient World: The Challenge to Produce More Food and Energy with Less Pollution. Global Overview of Nutrient Management. Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, Edinburgh on behalf of the Global Partnership on Nutrient Management and the International Nitrogen Initiative.

9. 唐傲寒*,赵婧娴,韩文轩,刘学军,2013. 北京地区灰霾化学特征研究进展。中国农业大学学报 18(3): 185-191.

10. 李文卿,陈顺辉,张颖,刘学军*, 2013. 福建烤烟种植区大气氮素湿沉降研究。中国农学报 29(13): 215-220.

11. 刘杰云,况福虹,唐傲寒,沈健林,王国安,孟令敏,刘学军*,2013. 不同排放源周边大气环境中NH3浓度动态。生态学报 33(23): 7537-7544.

12. 常运华,刘学军*,李凯辉,吕金岭,宋韦,2013. 大气氮沉降数值模拟的演替进程与模型筛选。干旱区地理 36(3): 383-392.


1. Chang Y.H., Liu X.J.*, Dore A., Li K.H., 2012. Stemming PM2.5 pollution in China: Re-evaluating the role of ammonia, aviation and non-exhaust road traffic emissions. Environmental Science Technology 46: 13035-13036.

2. Chang Y.H., Liu X.J.*, Christie P., 2012. Emerging shale gas revolution in China. Environmental Science Technology 46: 12281-12282.

3. Li K.H., Song W., Liu X.J.*, Zhang W., Shen J.L., Liu B., Hu Y.K., Tian C.Y.*, Christie P., 2012. Atmospheric reactive nitrogen concentrations at ten sites with contrasting land use in an arid region of central Asia. Biogeosciences 9: 4013-4021.

4. Li K.H., Gong Y., Song W., Lv J.L., Chang Y.H., Hu Y.K., Tian C.Y., Christie P., Liu X.J.*, 2012. No significant nitrous oxide emissions during spring thaw under grazing and nitrogen addition in an alpine grassland. Global Change Biology 18: 2546-2554.

5. Zhang F.S.*, Cui Z.L., Chen X.P., Ju X.T., Shen J.B, Chen Q., Liu X.J., W.F. Zhang, G.H. Mi, M.S. Fan, R.F. Jiang, 2012. Integrated nutrient management for food security and environmental quality in China. Advances in Agronomy 116: 1-40.

6. Li K.H., Gong Y.M., Song W., He G.X., Hu Y.K., Tian C.Y., Liu X.J.*, 2012. Responses of CH4, CO2 and N2O fluxes to increasing nitrogen deposition in alpine grassland of the Tianshan Mountains. Chemosphere 88:140-143.

7. Li K.H., Fangmeier A., Hu Y.K., Lu C.F., Liu X.J.*. 2012. Positive grass diversity-productivity relationships and controlling factors along an elevation gradient in Central Asian alpine grasslands. Polish Journal of Ecology 59(1): 165-173.

8. Song L, Bao XM, Liu XJ*, Zhang FS. 2012. Impact of nitrogen addition on plant community in a semi-arid temperate steppe in China. Journal of Arid Land 4: 3-10.

9. Zhang Y, Song L, Liu XJ*, Li WQ, Lü SH, Zheng LX, Bai ZC, Cui GY, Zhang FS, 2012. Atmospheric organic nitrogen deposition in China. Atmospheric Environment 46: 195-204.

10. 常运华,刘学军*,李凯辉,吕金岭,宋韦,2012. 大气氮沉降研究进展。干旱区研究 29(6):972-979.


1. Liu X.J.*, Duan L., Mo J.M., Du E.Z., Shen J.L., Lu X.K., Zhang Y., Zhou X.B., He C.E., Zhang F.S., 2011. Nitrogen deposition and its ecological impact in China: an overview. Environ. Pollut. 159: 2251-2264..

2. Liu X.J., Zhang F.S.*, 2011. Nitrogen fertilizer induced greenhouse gas emissions in China. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 3: 407-413.

3. He C.E., Wang X., Liu X.J.*, Fangmeier A., Christie P., Zhang F.S., 2011. Total nitrogen deposition at key growing stages of maize and wheat as affected by pot surface area and crop variety. Plant and Soil 339: 137-145.

4. Song L., Bao X., Liu X.*, Zhang Y., Christie P., Fangmeier A., Zhang F., 2011. Nitrogen enrichment enhances the dominance of grasses over forbs in a temperate steppe ecosystem. Biogeosciences 8: 2341-2350.

5. Zhang Y., Dore A., Liu X.J.*, Zhang F.S., 2011. Simulation of nitrogen deposition in the North China Plain by the FRAME model. Biogeosciences 8: 3319-3329.

6. Shen J., Liu X.*, Zhang Y., Fangmeier A., Goulding K., Zhang F., 2011. Atmospheric ammonia and particulate ammonium from agricultural sources in the North China Plain. Atmos. Environ. 45: 5033-5041.

7. Shen J.L., Tang A.H., Liu X.J.*, Kopsch J., Fangmeier A., Goulding K., Zhang F.S., 2011. Impacts of pollution controls on air quality in Beijing during the 2008 Olympic Games. Journal of Environmental Quality 40: 37-45.

8. Gao Z.L., Yuan H.J., Ma W.Q., Li J.G., Liu X.J., Desjardins R.L., 2011. Diurnal and seasonal patterns of methane emissions from a dairy operation in North China Plain. Advances in Meteorology, doi:10.1155/2011/190234.

9. Gao Z.L., Yuan H.J., Ma W.Q., Liu X.J., Desjardins R.L., 2011. Methane emissions from a dairy feedlot during the fall and winter seasons in Northern China. Environmental Pollution 159: 1183-1189.

10. Yao F.Y., Wang G.A., Liu X.J., Song L., 2011. Assessment of effects of the rising atmospheric nitrogen deposition on nitrogen uptake and long‐term water‐use efficiency of plants using nitrogen and carbon stable isotopes. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 25: 1827–1836.

11. Ludwig B., Geisseler D., Michel K., Joergensen R.G., Schulz E., Merbach I., Raupp J., Rauber R., Hu K., Niu L., Liu X., 2011. Effects of fertilization and soil management on crop yields and carbon stabilization in soils. A review. Agronomy for Sustainable Development 31: 361-372.

12. 刘学军,张卫峰,张福锁,2011. 化肥与农业。中国科学院院刊, 26(增刊):119-124.


1. Guo JH#, Liu XJ#, Zhang Y, Shen JL, Han WX, Zhang WF, Christie P, Goulding K, Vitousek P, Zhang FS*, 2010. Significant acidification in major Chinese croplands. Science 327: 1008-1010. (# Equal contribution)

2. Liu XJ*, Song L, He CE, Zhang FS, 2010. Nitrogen deposition as an important nutrient from the environment and its impact on ecosystems in China. Journal of Arid Land 2: 137-143.

3. He CE, Wang X, Liu XJ*, Fangmeier A, Christie P, Zhang FS, 2010. Nitrogen deposition and its contribution to nutrient inputs to intensively managed agricultural ecosystems. Ecological Applications 20: 80-90.

4. He CE, Liu XJ*, Christie P, Andreas F, Zhang FS, 2010. Estimating total nitrogen deposition in agroecosystems in northern China during the wheat cropping season. Journal of Arid Land 2: 2-8.

5. He CE, Liu XJ*, Zhang FS, 2010. Determining total N deposition using 15N dilution technique in the North China Plain. Journal of Resources and Ecology 1: 75-82.

6. Zhang Y*, Dore AJ, Ma L, Liu XJ*, Ma WQ, Cape JN, Zhang FS, 2010. Agricultural ammonia emissions inventory and spatial distribution in the North China Plain. Environmental Pollution 158: 490-501.

7. Huaitalla RM, Gallmann E, Zheng K, Liu XJ, Hartung E, 2010. Pig husbandry and solid manures in a commercial pig farm in Beijing, China. International Journal of Biological and Life Sciences 6: 107-116.

8. Huaitalla RM, Gallmann E, Liu XJ, Hartung E, 2010. Composition of pig manures and wastewaters under the Gan Qing Fen system in China. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, available online: www.ramiran.net/ramiran2010/docs/Ramiran2010_0184_final.pdf.

9. Huaitalla RM, Gallmann E, Zheng K, Liu XJ, Hartung E 2010. Heavy metals contents in farrowing, weaning and fattening pig feeds in a commercial pig farm in Beijing and their thresholds values given by the Chinese standards (short article online). Advances in Animal Sciences 1: 470-472.

10. Ludwig B, Hu KL, Niu LA, Liu XJ, 2010. Modelling the dynamics of organic carbon in fertilization and tillage experiments in the North China Plain using the Rothamsted Carbon Model—initialization and calculation of C inputs. Plant and Soil 322: 193-206.

11. 沈健林, 黄明丽, 唐傲寒, 汪斯淼, 韩文轩*, 刘学军, 2010. 葎草(Humulus scandens)叶总氮和δ15N与大气活性氮气体的关系。中国农业大学学报 15: 84-88.


1. Shen JL, Tang AH, Liu XJ*, Fangmeier A, Goulding KWT, Zhang FS, 2009. High concentrations and dry deposition of reactive nitrogen species at two sites in the North China Plain. Environmental Pollution 157: 3106-3113.

2. Ju XT, Xing GX, Chen XP, Zhang SL, Zhang LJ, Liu XJ, Cui ZL, Yin B, Christie P, Zhu ZL, Zhang FS, 2009. Reducing environmental risk by improving N management in intensive Chinese agricultural systems. PNAS 106: 3041-3046.

3. Fan MS, Lu SH, Jiang RF, Liu XJ, Zhang FS, 2009. Triangular transplanting pattern and split nitrogen fertilizer application increase rice yield and nitrogen fertilizer recovery. Agronomy Journal 101: 1421–1425.

4. Han WX, Huang ML, Tang AH, Shen JL, Wang SM, Liu XJ, Zhang FS, 2009. Study on the response of middle and trace elements in Humulus Scandens leaves to atmospheric reactive nitrogen with ICP-AES. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis 29(12): 3399-3401.

5. Huang M.L., Han W.X., Zhang F.S., Liu X.J., 2009. Agronomic factors affecting yield and combustion quality of bioenergy plants. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering 25(2): 183-187. (中文版: 黄明丽, 韩文轩, 张福锁,刘学军, 2009. 影响能源植物产量和燃烧质量的农田管理因素. 农业工程学报 25 (2): 183-187.)

6. 刘学军, 张福锁, 2009. 环境养分及其在生态系统养分资源管理中的作用——以大气氮沉降为例. 干旱区研究 26: 306-311.

7. 邵伟, 张颖, 宋玲, 贾钧彦, 刘学军, 蔡晓布, 2009. 西藏林芝地区大气有机氮沉降.生态学报 29: 5586-5591.

8. 贾钧彦, 张颖, 蔡晓布, 刘学军, 2009. 藏东南大气氮湿沉降动态变化. 生态学报 29: 1907-1913.


1. Zhang Y, Zheng L, Liu XJ*, Jickells T, Cape JN, Goulding K, Fangmeier A, Zhang FS, 2008. Evidence for organic N deposition and its anthropogenic sources in China. Atmospheric Environment 42: 1035-1041.

2. Zhang Y, Liu XJ*, Fangmeier A, Goulding KTW, Zhang FS, 2008. Nitrogen inputs and isotopes in precipitation in the North China Plain. Atmospheric Environment 42: 1436-1448.

3. Ai Y, Liu X, Zhang F. Mao D, Zeng X, Lu S, Wang M, 2008. Influence of unflooded mulching cultivation on nitrogen uptake and utilization of fertilizer nitrogen by rice. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 39: 1056-1066.

4. Zhang QZ, Huang RD, Wu WL, Liu XJ, 2008. Estimating soil organic carbon at equilibrium using a logistic model. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 39: 627- 640.

5. 沈健林, 刘学军*, 张福锁,2008. 北京近郊农田NH3与NO2干沉降研究. 土壤学报 45: 165-169.

6. 范明生,江荣风,张福锁,吕世华,刘学军,2008. 水旱轮作系统作物养分管理策略.应用生态学报 19 (2): 424-432.

7. 王志辉,张颖,刘学军,同延安,乔丽,雷小鹰,2008. 黄土区降水降尘输入农田土壤中的氮素评估. 生态学报 28: 3295-3331.

8. 张杨珠, 吴名宇, 李顺义, 黄运湘, 刘学军,2008. 湖南省主要母质发育的旱土和水稻土的全锰及有效锰的化学形态研究. 湖南农业科学 2008(1): 51-54.


1. Liu XJ*, Mosier AR, Halvorson AD, Reule CA, Zhang FS, 2007. Dinitrogen and N2O emissions in arable soils: Effect of tillage, N source and soil moisture. Soil Biology Biochemistry 39: 2362-2370.

2. He C-E, Liu XJ*, Fangmeier A, Zhang FS*, 2007. Quantifying the total airborne nitrogen-input into agroecosystems in the North China Plain. Agriculture, Ecosystems Environment 121: 395-400.

3. Fan MS, Lu SH, Jiang RF, Liu XJ, Zeng XZ, Goulding K, Zhang FS, 2007. Nitrogen input, 15N balance and mineral N dynamics in a rice–wheat rotation in southwest China. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 79: 255-265.

4. Ju XT, Liu XJ, Pan JR, Zhang FS, 2007. Fate of 15N-labeled urea under a winter wheat-summer maize rotation on the North China Plain. Pedosphere 17: 52-61.

5. 郑利霞, 刘学军*, 张福锁. 2007. 大气有机氮沉降研究进展. 生态学报 27: 3828-3834.


1. Liu XJ, Ju XT, Zhang Y, He CE, Kopsch J, Zhang FS*, 2006. Nitrogen deposition in agroecosystems in the Beijing area. Agriculture, Ecosystems Environment 113: 370-377.

2. Liu XJ*, Mosier AR, Halvorson AD, Zhang FS, 2006. Impact of nitrogen placement and tillage on NO, N2O, CH4 and CO2 fluxes from a clay loam soil. Plant and Soil 280: 177-188.

3. Mosier AR, Halvorson AD, Reule CA, Liu XJ, 2006. Net global warming potential and greenhouse gas intensity in irrigated cropping systems in northeastern Colorado. Journal of Environmental Quality 35: 1584-1598.

4. Ju XT, Liu XJ*, Zhang FS, 2006. Effects of long-term fertilization on soil organic nitrogen forms in a calcareous alluvial soil on the North China Plain. Pedosphere 16: 224-229.

5. Zhang Y, Liu XJ*, Zhang FS, Ju XT, Zou GY, Hu KL, 2006. Spatial and temporal variation of atmospheric nitrogen deposition in the North China Plain. Acta Ecologica Sinica 26: 1633-1639. (中文版:张颖, 刘学军*, 张福锁, 巨晓棠, 邹国元, 胡克林, 2006. 华北平原大气氮素沉降的时空变异研究. 生态学报 26: 1633-1639.)

6. 何春娥、赵秀芬、刘学军*、张福锁. 2006. 燕麦/小麦根系不同分隔方式对小麦生长和锰营养的影响。生态学报26:357-363.

7. Zou GY, Zhang FS, Ju XT, Chen XP, Liu XJ, 2006. Study on soil denitrification in wheat--maize rotation system. Journal of Integrative Agriculture 5: 45-49.


1. Liu XJ, Mosier AR, Halvorson AD*, Zhang FS, 2005. Tillage and nitrogen application effects on nitrous and nitric oxide emissions from irrigated corn fields. Plant and Soil 276: 235-249.

2. Liu XJ, Ai YW, Zhang FS*, Lu SH, Zeng XZ, Fan MS, 2005. Crop production, nitrogen recovery and water use efficiency in rice-wheat rotation as affected by non-flooded mulching cultivation (NFMC). Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 71: 289-299.

3. Liu XJ*, Ju XT, Chen XP, Zhang FS, 2005. Nitrogen recommendation for summer maize in northern China using Nmin test and rapid plant tests. Pedosphere 15: 246-254.

4. Fan MS, Liu XJ, Jiang RF, Zhang FS, Lu SH, Zeng XZ, Christie P, 2005. Crop yields, internal nutrient efficiency, and changes in soil properties in rice-wheat rotations under non-flooded mulching cultivation. Plant and Soil 277: 265-276.

5. Fan MS, Jiang RF, Liu XJ, Zhang FS, Lu SH, Zeng XZ, Christie P, 2005. Interactions between non-flooded mulching cultivation and varying nitrogen inputs in rice–wheat rotations. Field Crops Research 91: 307-318.

6. 刘学军. 2005. 水旱轮作条件下植物根际效应与养分调控机制。科学中国人 2005(3):65.


1. Liu XJ*, Walsh M, Ju XT, Zhang FS, Schimel D, Ojima D, 2004. NO and N2O fluxes from agricultural soils in Beijing area. Progress in Natural Science 14: 489-494.

2. Ju XT, Liu XJ, Zhang FS, 2004. Nitrogen transformations in a Chinese Aquic Cambisol applied urea with dicyandlamide or plant residues. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 35: 2397-2416.

3. Ju XT, Liu XJ, Zhang FS, Roelcke M, 2004. Nitrogen fertilization, soil nitrate accumulation, and policy recommendations in several agricultural regions of China. AMBIO 35: 300-305.

4. Zhang F, Shen J, Li L, Liu X, 2004. An overview of rhizosphere processes related with plant nutrition in major cropping systems in China. Plant and Soil 260: 89-99.

5. Lü SH, Liu XJ, Li L, Zhang FS, Zeng XZ, Tang CX, 2004. Effect of manganese spatial distribution in soil profile on wheat growth in rice-wheat rotation. Plant and Soil 261: 39-46.

6. Wang ZH, Liu XJ, Ju XT, Zhang FS, Malhi SS, 2004. Ammonia volatilization loss from surface-broadcast urea: comparison of vented and closed-chamber methods and loss in winter wheat-summer maize rotation in North China Plain. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 35: 2917-2939.

7. 刘学军. 2004. 大气氮素沉降及其对我国农田生态系统中养分输入的影响。西南农业学报17(增): 185-186.

8. 刘学军,巨晓棠,张福锁. 2004. 减量施氮对冬小麦-夏玉米种植体系中氮利用和平衡的影响。应用生态学报 15: 458-462.

9. 邹国元、张福锁、巨晓棠、陈新平、刘学军. 2004. 冬小麦-夏玉米轮作条件下氮素反硝化损失研究。中国农业科学 37: 1492-1496.

10. 艾应伟, 刘学军, 张福锁, 毛达如, 曾祥忠、吕世华、潘家荣. 2004. 旱作与不同覆盖方式对水稻吸收利用氮的影响。土壤学报 41: 152-155.

11. 范明生,刘学军,江荣风,张福锁,吕世华,曾祥忠. 2004. 覆盖旱作方式和施氮水平对稻-麦轮作体系生产力和氮素利用的影响。生态学报 24: 2591-2596

12. 何春娥,刘学军*,张福锁. 2004. 植物根表铁膜的形成及其营养与生态环境效应。应用生态学报 15: 1069-1073.

13. 王甲辰,张福锁,刘学军,吕世华,曾祥忠,2004. 成都平原水旱轮作土壤表层锰损失主要机制研究. 中国生态农业学报 12(3): 72-74.

14. 史锟,张福锁,刘学军,张旭东,2004. 不同时期施铁对水稻根表铁胶膜中铁镉含量及根系含镉量的影响。农业环境科学学报 23(1): 6-12.

15. 史锟,张福锁,刘学军,张旭东,2004.不同栽培方式对镉污染水稻土籼、粳稻根表铁膜铁、镉含量及根镉含量的影响。土壤通报 35(2): 207-211.


1. Liu X.J., Ju X.T., Zhang F.S.*, Chen XP, 2003. Nitrogen recommendation for winter wheat using Nmin test and rapid plant tests in North China Plain. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 34: 2539-2551.

2. Liu X.J., Ju X.T., Zhang F.S.*, Pan J.R., Christie P., 2003. Nitrogen dynamics and budgets in a winter wheat-maize cropping system in the North China Plain. Field Crops Research 83: 111-124.

3. Liu X.J., Wang J.C., Lu S.H., Zhang F.S.*, Zeng X.Z., Ai Y.W., Peng S.B., Christie P., 2003. Effects of non-flooded mulching cultivation on crop yield, nutrient uptake and nutrient balance in rice–wheat cropping systems. Field Crops Research 83: 297-311.

4. 巨晓棠,刘学军,张福锁. 2003. 冬小麦/夏玉米轮作中NO3--N在土壤剖面的累积及移动。土壤学报40: 538-546.

5. 巨晓棠,刘学军,张福锁. 2003. 冬小麦/夏玉米轮作体系中土壤氮素矿化及预测。应用生态学报14: 2241-2245.

6. 艾应伟,刘学军,张福锁,毛达如,曾祥忠,吕世华,潘家荣. 2003. 不同覆盖方式对旱作水稻氮肥肥效的影响。植物营养与肥料学报 9: 416-419.

7. 赵秀芬,刘学军*,吕世华,张福锁. 2003. 水肥状况对土壤中铁的移动及水稻吸铁的影响。中国农业大学学报 8: 74-78.

8. 史锟,张福锁,刘学军,张旭东,2003. 不同栽培方式对籼、粳稻根表铁膜和根铁、镉含量的影响。应用生态学报 14(8): 1273-1277.


1.Atmospheric Reactive Nitrogen in China: Emission, Deposition and Environmental Impacts. Springer Singapore, 2020, 主编 (Liu X.J. and Du E.Z.).

2. 土壤氮循环实验研究方法. 科学出版社, 2020, 参编.

3. 高产高效养分管理技术创新与应用. 中国农业大学出版社, 2017, 参编.

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